The Community Learning Corner: UFM’s Monthly Blog

UFM Community Learning Center is excited to bring you a brand new blog in 2021! Our blog will feature monthly articles written by UFM staff and guest writers, including local groups, instructors, and more! With these articles, we hope to create a new avenue for instructors and patrons to interact, support our vision of connecting people for unlimited learning, and support our mission by being a forum and catalyst for individuals to share their ideas. Our writings will keep you informed on what’s happening at UFM and in the community, and teach you more about our instructors and their interests.

If you’re interested in writing for our blog, contact our Office Coordinator, Allison, at

Welcome to the New Year!

All the staff at UFM has returned from our holiday break well-rested and restored, ready to bring you lots of exciting new things this year! Our first order of business is the Spring 2021 catalog, which is now available in both print and digital formats. The digital version can be found on our website

Did you know you can request to have a UFM catalog sent right to your home? You sure can! Give us a call and let us know you’d like one and we’ll make sure you’re on the list. Our printed catalog is also available throughout the Manhattan community or you can pick up your own copy in our office  at 1221 Thurston St. (please check our hours – they have recently changed!). 

This year, we plan on continuing to bring you a mix of online and in-person classes to best suit your needs and our safety precautions. In all in-person classes, we are requiring masks to be worn at all times, we have decreased room capacities throughout our building, we are requesting social distancing to be followed, along with regular disinfecting of all surfaces, including before and after each class. 

However, classes aren’t the only things we’re excited about for this year! We’re heading into the year with lots of fun plans. We will continue to bring you the Manhattan Community Gardens, a Lou Douglas Lecture, and a whole lot more (pandemic permitting)! We’re also expanding our options for professional development and certification courses, along with our Lifetime Learning class selection. 

While we know plans can change at the drop of a hat, we are so excited to be able to be in service to all of you to continue your education in unique and exciting ways. We hope to continue to be a place where learning, connection, and discussion can thrive. It’s always been who we are, and no matter what happens, we will continue to learn and adjust to be able to be that space for the community and people like you. 

We hope you are able to go into this year with your head held high, ready to get to work to refresh and recover after all the adjustments we’ve all had to make – we sure are!

I can’t wait to see you in classes, on social media, or in the office. Have a great rest of your day – and year! – and thanks for reading.

Allison, Office Coordinator (