Liability, Nondiscrimination & Student Conduct

UFM Community Learning Center serves as a forum to bring together persons who want to share their personal ideas and/or learn skills in a variety of areas. UFM, its staff and board of directors do not endorse any particular viewpoint or philosophy presented in classes, activities or events included in any UFM publication. See specific policies below.

Participant Liability Statement

Individual participants should be aware of the risks and hazards involved in recreational sports and fitness activities. They should voluntarily elect to utilize KSU and UFM facilities and participate in programs recognizing present conditions and further agree to voluntarily assume all risks of loss, damage or injury that may be sustained while using KSU or UFM facilities or participating in programs. K-State Global Campus/UFM assumes no responsibility for costs involved with individual injury or property loss incurred in connection with the use of university or UFM facilities. Individuals area reminded that they should review their own personal circumstances to determine if they have adequate insurance or protection in case of injury resulting from the use of University or UFM facilities or participating in programs. It is recommended that all participants have a complete physical before engaging in any physical recreation program.

UFM Nondiscrimination Policy

UFM Community Learning Center is committed to nondiscrimination on the basis of race, gender, national origin, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, political beliefs or other non merit reasons, in admissions, educational programs or activities and employment (including employment of disabled veterans and veterans of the Vietnam Era) as required by applicable laws and regulations.

Students under age 18 need the permission of a parent or guardian. Some individual classes may have age restrictions or may require instructor permission.

Please contact UFM to make arrangements for classroom accessibility.

UFM Participant Conduct Policies

UFM generally follows the Kansas State University philosophy and expectations for student conduct. See the links below for the full discussion of student conduct and guidelines for faculty.

As a community education program, class attendees are participating voluntarily based on their own needs and interests. Likewise, UFM instructors are teaching classes voluntarily based on their interests and expertise. It is assumed that class participants will be respectful of the instructor and other participants. It is expected that instructors will adhere to positive teaching practices and will be respectful to class participants.

Specific UFM-Prohibited Conduct

  • Deliberate disruption or obstruction of teaching, discussion groups or other UFM activities wherever located.

  • Conduct that threatens the mental or physical health of any person. This includes, but is not limited to physical abuse, verbal abuse, threats intimidation, harassment and coercion.

  • Any actual or attempted theft of, or damage to, property.

  • Harassing telephone calls or emails that may include, but are not limited to, lewd or obscene remarks, harassing statements, repeated phone calls with the intent to harass or repeated calls in which conversation is intended solely to harass.

  • Violation of local, state or federal law while participating in a UFM class or activity or on UFM property.

  • Possession of a firearm or other weapon or explosive at UFM activities or on UFM property.

  • Unauthorized use or distribution of alcoholic beverages.

  • Possession or use of a controlled substance at UFM activities or on UFM property.

  • Intentionally interfering with the freedom of expression of others.

  • Conduct that is disorderly, lewd or indecent, or behavior that aids another person to disrupt the peace.

  • Discrimination on the basis of race, sex, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, religion, age or other non-merit reasons.

Philosophy of Participant Discipline

Every effort is made to bring about a positive outcome for all parties. Most efforts should be directed at preventing problems and correcting them rather than concentrating on punishment. The responsibility for proper conduct is placed on the participant with the assumption that most individuals do not intentionally disrupt classes and activities. Disciplinary actions may include oral or written warnings, disciplinary probation and suspension from the class or activity.

UFM Grievance Policies:

  • Unethical or inappropriate actions by UFM instructors should be reported to the UFM Education Coordinator as soon as possible. The Education Coordinator will provide detailed reporting procedures.
  • Disagreements about instructor decisions or discipline should be directed to the UFM Education Coordinator. The Education Coordinator will provide detailed reporting procedures.
  • Instructor participation in prohibited conduct should be reported to the UFM Education Coordinator as soon as possible. The Education Coordinator will provide detailed reporting procedures.
  • Personal feedback on instructor competencies should be sent to the UFM Education Coordinator using the class evaluation form.

Participant Concerns & Disipline by the Instructor Relating to a Participant

Class participants who engage in a prohibited or disruptive behavior should be privately and respectfully disciplined. The instructor should point out the issue and request that the participant conform to acceptable conduct.

Students who are considered to be significantly disruptive to a class or who do not stop the disruptive behavior when requested, may be asked to leave the class for that day. A discipline report should be filed with the UFM Education Coordinator. Good faith efforts should be made to resolve the dispute in a way that is positive for all parties involved.

Grievance Policies:

  • Occasionally, an issue may not be resolved between the participant and instructor. In this case, the grieving party should report the issue to the UFM Education Coordinator with a written description of the problem.
  • The UFM Education Coordinator will review the grievance. Additional information may be requested from the grieving party, others who witnessed the problem and from the person being accused of misconduct. The UFM Education Coordinator will thoroughly review the situation and make a decision based on facts presented within 10 working days of the complaint.
  • If the matter cannot be mediated at this level, with a written appeal request, the UFM Executive Director will review the situation and determine if further action is necessary. The UFM Director may make a determination personally or may refer the situation to a Grievance Review Committee or assign the grievance to a mediator for action. A hearing will be held within 10 working days of the Executive Director’s receipt of the appeal. A response will be provided within 5 working days of the hearing. The decision of the Grievance Review Committee is final.