Lou Douglas Lectures
Lou Douglas Lectures seek to extend understanding of public policies with a focus on social justice issues. They contribute to the general education of K-State students and others on campus and in the community by presenting speakers who propose public policy that deals progressively and democratically with the roots of social, political and economic issues. Known for their impact on regional, national and world affairs, speakers are selected for their commitment to justice and equality for all people.
Enriching The Lives Of The K-State & Manhattan Community
Illuminating and provocative lectures with free-wheeling question and answer periods stimulate discussion as well as promote original thinking and questioning of perspectives on critical public issues. Related experiences such as brown bag lunches, class and seminar presentations and interaction with student and community organizations enhance the lecture experience. Many K-State graduates say that the perspectives they gained from the Lou Douglas Lectures have been invaluable to their lives as citizens.
Inspiring Justice & Equality For All People
The success of the Lou Douglas Lectures depends on the continued financial support of people who are committed to perpetuating the spirit and philosophy of this distinguished professor of political science. Contributors make it possible for the Lou Douglas Lectures to bring important speakers on social justice issues to the K-State campus and the Manhattan community.
About Lou Douglas

He was respected for his scholarly analyzes, but he was loved—often by those who disagreed with him—for the graciousness and camaraderie with which he reached out to friend and political foe. He represented the highest standards of public morality and elicited our best impulses as citizens to strengthen democracy.
Lou was also an influential member of the UFM Community Learning Center (at that time called University for Man) Board of Directors. He served in many capacities, including Chair of the Board until his death in 1979.
As part of his commitment to grassroots projects, Lou was instrumental in securing legislation that initiated the UFM Community Resource Program, a grassroots community education/community development program funded by the State and administered by UFM and Kansas State University. From 1980-2014 this very successful program assisted over 100 Kansas communities develop their own community education and activity programs utilizing local resource and talents.
For all these reasons, UFM spearheaded efforts to establish this lecture series to honor Lou Douglas.